ENCCS (EuroCC2’s national competence center in Sweden) is organizing a three-day online workshop on High-Performance Data Analytics in Python from 5 to 7 September 2023.

The purpose of this workshop is to provide an introduction to handling research data in Python using standard libraries for data storage, analysis, processing, and sharing. The emphasis is on enhancing performance. The first part of the workshop covers tools for efficient data processing (such as NetCDF, NumPy, pandas, and SciPy) on individual workstations. The second part of the workshop focuses on parallel, distributed, and GPU computing, using tools like Snakemake, Numba, Dask, multiprocessing, and mpi4py.

Python is an industry-standard programming language for working with data on all levels of the data analytics pipeline, thanks to the rich ecosystem of libraries ranging from generic numerical libraries to special-purpose and/or domain-specific packages which are often supported by large developer communities and stable funding sources.

To easily follow the workshop, you should have basic knowledge of Python and experience working in a Linux-like terminal. Additionally, prior experience in handling small or large datasets would be beneficial.

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