The European Environment for Scientific Software Installations (EESSI), pronounced as "easy", will host an online event on 5 December 2023. This webinar is part of the Industrial Code of the Month series. The purpose of the event is to provide an explanation of what EESSI is, its design, how to obtain access to it, and how to use it. During the event, there will be a number of demonstrations and participants will be given access to a resource where they can try EESSI out for themselves.

If you are not familiar with EESSI, it is a new collaboration between various European HPC sites and industry partners. The common objective of this collaboration is to create a shared repository of scientific software installations that can be used on different systems regardless of the Linux distribution or processor architecture. It doesn't matter whether it's a large HPC cluster, a cloud environment, or a personal workstation. If you're interested, you can learn more about it at the event.

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