As part of the CoE EXCELLERAT P2 training program, Fraunhofer SCAI is collaborating with the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart to offer a three-day online workshop on data analytics for simulation data using machine learning. The workshop is scheduled to take place from 10 to 12 Mar...
The Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) is hosting an online two-day course titled Getting Started with AI on Supercomputers. The course will take place on 12-13 December 2023. The streaming platform link will be shared only with registered participants. To participate, please register before 5 ...
You are invited to a hybrid workshop on Data Parallelism: How to Train Deep Learning Models on Multiple GPUs, organized by the National Competence Centers in HPC of the Czech Republic on 4 October 2023.
At the workshop, you will learn how to achieve maximum throughput during data-parallel deep...