The Plasma-PEPSC CoE, in collaboration with IPP CASLECADENCCS, as well as the Slovenian and Czech National Competence Centers (NCCs), is organizing the BIT1 modeling of the fusion plasma edge conference. This event will take place both online and on-site at the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences from 7 April to 9 April 2025.

BIT1 is an electrostatic Particle in Cell (PIC) Monte Carlo (MC) code optimized for plasma edge modeling. It is 1D in usual and 3D in velocity space. Code is capable of simulating large-scale systems with the finest resolution in time and space.

The meeting will introduce the BIT1 code and explain its modeling capabilities. Following this, training sessions will be provided for users of varying experience levels. Additionally, examples from other PIC and MC codes will be reviewed, and future developments related to exascale and multi-dimensional versions of the code, specifically BIT2 and BIT3, will be discussed.

The meeting is intended for plasma edge specialists, PhD and Master's students, and industry engineers who wish to learn or enhance their knowledge in PIC modeling of the plasma edge.

Training will be conducted on the supercomputers KAROLINA and VEGA.

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